From Nashville to Fairport. Welcome, Carly!

Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed a nice weekend and Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!

This week, we welcome a new instructor to the Yoga 170 team and we have brand new online classes for you to enjoy! More on this below, but first, a brief update on our reopening plans.

We plan on reopening in Phase 4 and couldn’t be more excited (this is an understatement!) But at the same time, we are not releasing an exact date quite yet as we don’t yet have complete NYS guidelines. I realize that there are some businesses that are hinting at their tentative dates, but I’m hopeful that you understand why we haven’t put out these details quite yet. We do have a plan, but we also know that things will be different; new procedures, class schedule, policies, etc. Thank you for your patience as we await more details — I will update everyone as we learn more.

As we have learned since the start of this pandemic, uncertainties are the new norm and change is constant — and this is one of the main reasons why we built Yoga 170 online with our new video bundles. We want to be able to deliver you a constant and to provide you with the flexibility to practice yoga on your schedule.

If you haven’t checked out the bundles yet, I really hope you do! They are great quality, offer great variety, and are a great deal!

Here are a few testimonials from the first week:

”Great quality! Very clear sound and visual.”

”I like being able to choose my class based on my energy level that day.”

”I like that the classes are from the studio — the sights and sounds of my village!”

Please join me in welcoming Carly to the Yoga 170 team! Carly grew up in Rochester, but has recently moved back from Nashville (maybe she missed the snow?). Carly was teaching Flow classes in Nashville and brings with her a passion for yoga that she can’t wait to share with the Yoga 170 community.

You can find Carly in this week’s Refreshing Flow online bundle and at the studio when we reopen!

Carly Yoga 170.jpg

You can get a peek of this week’s featured bundles by clicking here or on the images below to watch the trailers. This week — classes focus on everything from hips, back, core work, being present, leg stretches, inner thighs and more.

We are always so grateful to practice with you — so find a comfy spot at home and please join us on the mat!

With gratitude,

PS. You can also browse past online bundles in the Online Video Library. So much great yoga to choose from!


FREE yoga + new video bundles


Exciting news to share!