
Meet our new Hatha Yoga teachers
Yoga 170 On Demand, Yoga 170 Studio Classes Allison Picciano Yoga 170 On Demand, Yoga 170 Studio Classes Allison Picciano

Meet our new Hatha Yoga teachers

I am thrilled to announce 3 wonderful new Hatha Yoga instructors to Yoga 170. Please join me in welcoming Carol Moon, Heather Acomb and Beth Cholette!

All three bring an authentic Hatha Yoga style and have experience teaching yoga in the Rochester community. They will be taking over Molly’s classes at the studio when she moves to Vermont. Rest assured though! Molly has been personally involved in choosing who will take over her classes and I am thrilled to have Carol, Heather and Beth bring you the trusted Hatha Yoga classes that you know and love at our studio.

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4 New Online Classes + More Outdoor Yoga

4 New Online Classes + More Outdoor Yoga

Hello everyone! I received more complimentary emails this week about our All Access online subscription — thank you so much!

We continue to add to the variety of classes and are even customizing new online classes to your requests. Keep them coming — we are more than happy to deliver classes that YOU would like to see!

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Angelina brings PiYo to Yoga 170 online
Allison Picciano Allison Picciano

Angelina brings PiYo to Yoga 170 online

Please join me in welcoming Angelina Shimkus to Yoga 170!

Angelina was introduced to me through a mutual friend and teaches classes all around the Rochester area. When I met her, I felt like I had known her forever! Her smile is infectious, her positivity is inspiring, and her classes will leave you craving more.

Angelina will be adding PiYo to the variety of Yoga 170 online classes. PiYo is a great combo of cardio, yoga, and pilates — and it’s a seriously good workout.

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New classes this week — online and outdoors

New classes this week — online and outdoors

Need a quick 30 min express class? Looking for a deep 15 min stretch? Craving a full 60 min class with your favorite instructor? Over 50 online classes for you to choose from — complete flexibility, complete choice, really high quality and you get it all as a Yoga 170 online subscriber.

This week, we have added several new classes to our Online All Access Plan (these are GOOD) and will be offering 2 more outdoor pop-up classes later this week, weather permitting!

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New! All access, unlimited online classes (with perks)
Allison Picciano Allison Picciano

New! All access, unlimited online classes (with perks)

We are excited to announce a way for you to practice with us that gives you COMPLETE control, complete flexibility, and unlimited access.

We believe that you should be able to practice yoga your way.

And now you can.

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