Meet our new Hatha Yoga teachers

Hi everyone,

I am thrilled to announce 3 wonderful new Hatha Yoga instructors to Yoga 170. Please join me in welcoming Carol Moon, Heather Acomb and Beth Cholette!

All three bring an authentic Hatha Yoga style and have experience teaching yoga in the Rochester community. They will be taking over Molly’s classes at the studio when she moves to Vermont. Molly has been personally involved in choosing who will take over her classes and I am thrilled to have Carol, Heather and Beth bring you the trusted Hatha Yoga classes that you know and love at our studio.

You can find Carol, Heather and Beth in-studio and On Demand, and their studio classes will be starting the week of October 13th. To learn more about these lovely ladies and all of our wonderful instructors, please click here!



Morning yoga — 8:30, 9:00 and 10:00am classes
Late afternoon yoga — 4:30 and 4:45pm classes
Evening yoga — 6:00, 6:30 and 7:00pm classes

There’s something for everyone — no matter your experience level. Our beautiful, clean, fresh and welcoming space awaits you.

Click here for studio classes.



New to Yoga 170 On Demand? Start your free week now. Already a subscriber? Log in here.


Yoga 170 Safe Studio.png

It has been wonderful to have our community practicing together (just a little further apart!) at the studio since re-opening.

The feedback from everyone who has been to classes in-studio is that everyone feels very safe and comfortable. We have gone above and beyond to take every precaution to make our space extremely safe — even the Health Inspector was impressed when he handed me our certificate!

I wanted to take a moment to send along a few updates about our continued dedication to your safety and a comfortable experience:

1. Air filtration and fresh air intake — We have enjoyed warm temps and open doors this fall, and our doors will continue to remain open for as long as the weather allows. On days that are too cold to leave the doors open during practice, please keep in mind that the air vents will remain on during class AND that our air filtration system contains a Merv 13 filter. This is a better filtration system that most stores, restaurants and even office spaces have installed. In addition, to ensure we provide as much fresh air as possible, we will open exterior doors in between all classes to ensure maximum fresh air each time you enter our studio.

2. Enter via the hallway entrance or the canal side entrance: As the weather turns, please feel free to use either door for enter / exiting. The hallway entrance can be accessed from the ground level floor just past La Bella Mangia Catering.

3. Upon entering, please check-in: Please proceed to the front desk to check in and confirm your registration. Friendly reminder to complete your Health Form Online each time you come!

Our commitment to your safety is top priority and we can’t wait to see you in class! Click here for our full Safety Policies and Info.

Click here for the studio schedule


It’s our anniversary! And we have a sale for you.


Special event this week!