Brief reopening update

Hi everyone,

I am writing to you tonight to provide a brief update on our reopening plans. As you may know, NYS released reopening guidelines earlier this week for yoga studios. The good news is that we are well prepared and have already met most of the state's requirements. However, the guidelines from this week contain two brand new requirements that we are now actively working on.  The two new requirements are -- (1) Installation of a MERV-13 filtration component to our HVAC system; and (2) An inspection from the Monroe County Health Department.  Once we learned of these new requirements we quickly began to act on them. In cooperation with our building's property management team, I am pleased to report that we have the MERV-13 installation work scheduled for tomorrow. This is very good news and I am very hopeful that we will be MERV-13 compliant soon!  We will then be able to schedule the Monroe County Health Department inspection.

I am hopeful and VERY excited that we will have in person classes back in our studio at some point next week!  Please stay tuned for details on days / times of our first classes.

It is very important to me that I provide you, our instructors, and our community with a safe and welcoming studio for your yoga practice. I will continue to share more concrete opening details once they become available, but until then we hope to see you at Center Park or on our On-Demand platform.

With the utmost gratitude,



165 days closed. Now we are REOPENING!


The local news is visiting us this week!