Cheers to Molly!
Hi everyone,
Happy Labor Day weekend! I’m writing with a few updates (all exciting) so please take a peek at what is going on at Yoga 170!
If you are a student of Molly’s, or are connected with her, you know that she has been planning on moving with her husband to the beautiful state of Vermont. I’ve been very fortunate over the last few years to learn from Molly, work with her, and to be able to call her a close friend. I will truly miss Molly but I am happy that she is starting this new chapter for her and her family!
Let’s celebrate with Molly as her dream is now becoming a reality and she wanted to share the following with you. Molly will be teaching classes at the studio through October, so we have 2 more months with her in person! You can continue to find her in our virtual classes and we look forward to the special trips she makes back to Rochester!
From Molly —
Hello Yoga Community,
I wanted to share some exciting news. As most of you know, my husband and I have been talking about moving to VT (actually a lot of different places, but finally decided on VT). In the beginning of August, we fell in love with a home that is 20 minutes away from our daughter and son in law’s new home they just bought. We dashed up there to take a look at it and before we left signed the papers to buy the house. This past month has been a whirlwind. We put our home on the market August 19th and on August 23rd, we sold our home. We are extremely happy with how this is all playing out and really feel it is time to move and be closer to at least 1 set of kids. Our son is still in CA with his girlfriend and probably will continue to live there.
I honestly was going back and forth about moving forward with trying to find a home in VT with Covid and the way the studio had to close so quickly. I was struggling with the thought of not having the closure that I needed from teaching these past 25 years and possibly not be able to say goodbye to this amazing yoga community we have created together these past 20 years. However, as I usually do, I asked the Universe for guidance and boy did it ever guide us. The way this house appeared in VT, most homes are like here, on the market for a day or so and then gone. This home was being sold by the owner and he was willing to work with us as far as us selling our house here. Then putting our home on the market so quickly and having it be sold so quickly, I feel the Universe is truly guiding us.
Our closing date for our Fairport home is sometime in the 2nd week of October, so I have a few more weeks here in Fairport. I was thrilled when Ali received the OK to re-open the studio last week. I know it won’t be ’back to normal’ but I’m hoping now I will be able to see some of you before I leave. I totally understand if you are not comfortable with coming back, but I can assure you that Ali has done an incredible job and is following all the NYS guidelines and CDC guidelines to create a safe environment as she possibly can. I was honored to teach the first yoga class in the studio after 160+ days of being closed.
I just wanted to let you all know what is happening on my end. Words can not even come close to expressing the gratitude I have for you all through out the years we have been practicing together. Some of you have been with me from the moment I first opened my doors in 2000 (Jill Bates), others found the studio and have been so loyal and dedicated to Molly’s Yoga Corner and now Yoga 170. The way Ali has created such a great new yoga studio for Fairport, I feel like that proud mom who is launching her child off to do great things in her life. I have no doubt that Ali will continue to grow this amazing yoga community and I feel so grounded with passing the torch on to her. I’m so happy our paths crossed, again the Universe creating its magic.
I’ve already asked Ali if I can come back and teach the New Years Day class and pop back in now and then as a guest teacher! Don’t worry you can’t get rid of me that easily.
Thank you to all my students who helped me create such a great yoga community through out the years, stuck with me through all the moves and changes I’ve made, I truly love and appreciate each of you. I have loved watching you all grow with your practice and have loved watching the friendships grow throughout the years; from the Saturday Yoga Breakfast Club started by the infamous Stan Marshall (whom I adore), to some of you reconnecting with people that you haven’t seen in awhile. We truly are a very unique family. I’ve enjoyed hearing about your kids and where they are in life, to hearing about new grandchildren coming into this world, sharing difficult times we have been through, always knowing that there was something truly special with this yoga community. I also need to thank you all for putting up with my silly stories I have told, my old hippie and goofy ways and of course allowing me to talk about my kids and husband! I think they might be mortified if they all knew the stories I told about them
VT is just the next state over, so please know that our home will always have the doors open for you and we will even leave the light on There is already talk about holding a retreat up in VT, I will do my best to make that happen and promise you will be the first to know.
When both my kids flew from the nest, I reminded them that this was not good-bye, this was the time to allow them to soar, knowing that they would fly back from time to time. So, allow me to soar, I will for sure fly back from time to time and I hope you might fly over to me sometime.
The light in me, honors the light in each of you ~ Om Shanti, Om Shanti. Om Peace ~ Namaste
Much love and gratitude~
PS. Feel free to reach out to me anytime: text or call 585-202-1347 or catch me on FB Molly Harrigan Huff (side note *I can be a bit of an activist on FB so just want to give you a fair warning! I’m not always rainbows and unicorns, lol). Peace Love and Happiness…Chao for now!
Yoga 170 studio classes have been great since reopening! Good energy, relaxing smells and breezy fresh air from the canal. Join us! Safe, distanced and a very welcoming space. VIEW THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE.
NEW this week for All Access Subscribers — 60 min Restorative Yoga with Sarah, 30 min Refreshing Flow + Lower Body with Rachael, 60 min Gentle Yoga with Debbie and 30 min Yoga Workout + Core with Dennis. CLICK TO VIEW ALL CLASSES.
Calling all kids, parents, teachers and schools! Enjoy Butterfly Kids Yoga’s virtual platform anytime, anywhere, on any device. Stream in HD quality our educational, engaging, active, and mindful classes customized by age group — all to support our children’s physical and mental wellness. Plus, we’re partnering with many schools to provide a discounted rate. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.
Treat yourself! Thank you to our friends at Athleta for this Yoga 170 appreciation coupon. Happy shopping to you!