Exciting news! The bridge reopens + summer schedule
When we got the news about the Fairport Village bridge reopening date, I nearly cried, cartwheeled and jumped for joy all at once. This is a BIG DEAL and for Yoga 170, it means so much. 💜
We opened our doors on October 7th, 2019. One month after the bridge closed for repair.
We’ve seen the bridge work through every phase. I feel like the construction guys should really check out a yoga class soon — we’re basically family!
And then Covid hit — we watched and heard the bridge work as we had to close our doors and then when we cried happy tears upon reopening.
We even were on the NEWS talking about the bridge work. Twice!
But on Friday July 2, 2021 (tomorrow!) the bridge will reopen! 🎉 We’ve been tucked away behind construction for so long, but you can now step out of Yoga 170, walk across the bridge to grab a coffee, go to the library, head down Main Street for a gelato, or just walk back and forth across the bridge because you can!
This is a real picture taken right outside Yoga 170. Yoga + bridge opening + stunning views = happiness.
We’ve also added new classes and offerings for summer, which all begin on Monday, July 5th! We can’t wait to see you at. the studio and practice with you.
With much gratitude,
Ali and the Yoga 170 team
Yin Yoga + Deep Stretch — Mondays, 6:30pm.
Blending in elements of Hatha, Yin yoga is the non-flow, cooling and restorative counterpart to Yang yoga which is flowing, active, and dynamic in nature. Poses facilitate a deeper stretch and release in the connective tissue or fascia. This style of yoga is an excellent practice to balance a busy, active lifestyle or a routine filled with lots of movement and exertion. Appropriate and encouraged for all levels. Led by Ally H, who is new to Yoga 170, but not to Yin Yoga — she’s wonderful! Welcome, Ally! Sign up for Yin Yoga + Deep Stretch here.
Vinyasa Flow — Wednesdays, 6:00pm + Thursdays, 5:15pm.
Our new evening flow offering! This class leads students through a dynamic flow, linking breath with movement. The breath element will warm, lengthen, and strengthen the muscles and will facilitate a deeper connection to the physical body. This flow also incorporates core strengthening and stability poses that keep the body strong and spine supple. This class intends to promote a clear mind, flexible and functional strength, and a deeper connection to self. Led on Wednesdays by Kellie Scott-Reed, and on Thursdays by Ally H. Sign up for Vinyasa Flow classes here.
Morning Meditation — Saturdays, 9:15am (30 mins)
Calm your mind, settle your body and find a softer focus to your day through the use of breath work, guided mindfulness meditation, and group discussion. A welcoming environment for those new to meditation and those with experience. Led by Ally H. $10 meditation passes available and included for monthly members. Sign up for Morning Meditation here.
We are deeply committed to offering you a great variety of classes, incredible instructors and a welcoming studio. You can sign up for classes here and we will see you soon!