From California back to her roots. Welcome Lindsey!

Hi everyone,

Hope you are snuggled into a warm sweatshirt while reading this update! I’m trying to take the time to appreciate these small things that bring joy — warm sweatshirts, cozy candles, uplifting music, extra snuggles with my kids. I hope you are finding your own moments of joy too — just appreciating the small moments.

In the spirit of spreading positive news, I am excited to welcome a new instructor and a COZY new class! Please join me in welcoming Lindsey Miller, who has recently relocated from California back to her Fairport roots with her husband and three children.

Lindsey brings with her many years of yoga instructor experience and will be teaching a new Sunday evening class called Sunday Soul — think cozy candles, great music, and a perfect way to get ready for your week. She will also be teaching the 5:15pm Thursday Vinyasa Flow class!

Stay healthy and be well everyone. Details and more updates are all below!

With gratitude,

Welcome, Lindsey! We are happy to have you back in Fairport and as part of the Yoga 170 family.


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This class blends vinyasa flow set to feel-good tunes with restorative postures that will soothe your soul and leave you feeling strong, centered and ready to take on the week ahead. Class meets every Sunday at 6:30pm, beginning 11/1. View schedule here.


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Just a few quick studio and schedule updates to pass along:

  • The Monday and Thursday Vinyasa Flow class times have shifted a smidge later to make it easier for those coming from work. The new times are:

    • Monday 5:15pm —Vinyasa Flow with Carly

    • Thursday 5:15pm — Vinyasa Flow with Lindsey

  • We are asking that everyone try and sign up online in advance of class starting. We will not turn anyone away if you sign up last minute (no worries!) but registering online at least 30 mins ahead will help us in planning. Thank you!

  • Thank you for all the wonderful feedback about our 3 new Hatha Yoga instructors, Heather, Beth and Carol. They are incredibly talented and stay true to the authentic Hatha style that Molly created in our community. If you have not come to their Hatha classes yet, we hope to see you soon!



Here is the updated schedule (also available on the website). Please click here to sign up.



Prefer to practice at home or looking to get started with your practice again? Our On Demand classes are a wonderful way to start. Your first week is free! Click here to get started.


Hello November! Schedule this week.


One student’s story + weekly schedule