One student’s story + weekly schedule

Hi everyone,

I’ve been thinking a lot about strength lately. The notion of being strong, even when it seems impossibly hard. The idea that strength is more than just physical.

I wanted to share one student’s story with you because I’m sure it’s a story that many of us are familiar with (permission given to share). She wrote to me with a very touching email about how she had always felt totally overwhelmed by the thought of yoga — where to begin, where to go, where would she feel comfortable? She’d taken a class or two in the past but nothing that really moved her to stick with it. So, brand new-ish to yoga, she started with our online classes. She told me she set an appointment on her calendar and THEN set an alarm on her phone — it was her way of making a yoga date with herself. To be honest, she said, savasana was the reward. And she committed herself to try not to miss her date.

Mental strength.

She then went on to share how, with each class, she felt more and more comfortable with herself. In her practice, in her own body, and even mentally. Sometimes she practiced in her PJs, sometimes in yoga pants, and sometimes with the laundry pile next to her. Some days were hard to keep that date, but she kept trying. And she grew stronger each time.

Physical strength.

She concluded by letting me know that she now feels strong enough and confident enough to come into the studio. She has shed that layer of “I’m not sure….” Her legs feel stronger, her flexibility has improved and her mental walls have come down. I believe she also realizes that she CAN DO IT.

Inner strength.

Her story resonated with me, and maybe with you too. I was so amazed at her determination to keep trying and her ability to overcome the hard. Especially these days, when so many things are hard. And let’s be honest, some days are very hard! But I’m hopeful that your yoga practice can be a source of strength, health, comfort and community. It’s also a great place to come to for just the savasana — we understand that part too :)

Take good care of yourself my friends. Our weekly schedule is below. I hope to see you soon.

With gratitude,



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This Week’s New Online Classes

  • Forward Folds for Energy Shifts with Molly (Hatha), 60 mins

  • Relaxing Stretch Session with Carly, 30 mins

Both classes will be available on Monday, 10/19.

Click here to log in.

New to On Demand? Start your free trial here.


From California back to her roots. Welcome Lindsey!


Columbus Day classes and this week’s schedule