Thanksgiving week schedule (and a hello from Vermont!)

Hello everyone,

Happy Thanksgiving week to you and your families! Whether you are gathering for a small family dinner, doing a Zoom-style get together, or have another creative plan — I wish you much comfort, peace and joy.

In the Picciano house, we will continue our annual tradition of bundling up, running to the top of the big Fairport High School hill and playing Picciano-Turkey-Bowl with the kids! It’s just the 5 of us — the kids take on Mom and Dad. They try to outrun us (they do), fiercely tackle us (they do, ouch) and score big on poor Mom and Dad (they do). But we all leave with rosy cheeks and hopefully no one is crying. We are getting better at this now that they are older :) So if you see a bunch of “turkeys” running around with a football at FHS on Thursday morning — you know who it is!

A few more updates!
1. There are a few class / time shifts this week — check the schedule below.
2. No classes on Thanksgiving Day!
3. Barre is back as a special event on Wednesday 5:30pm — this week only!
4. A special hello from Molly in Vermont is below — see what she’s been up to!

Here’s to a great Thanksgiving and all that we have to be grateful for.

With much gratitude,









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Hello from Vermont!

Just wanted to pop in to say hello and to give you all an update of my new beginnings here in Vt. Hard to believe it’s been over a month since we have moved in. All is going well, we are settling nicely to the Vt lifestyle. The energy here is very chill, which most of you know I love. Even when out running errands, the energy is like one deep breath, I don’t feel that buzzing energy around me like I did in Rochester. Just a bit more toned down! I actually enjoy grocery shopping now. Wegmans was always a bit too much energy for me!

We love our new home and new neighbors, our small group of cows. I never realized just how curious and friendly cows are, I guess I just never took the time to notice. All those years I would just drive past the “Stinky Farm” never taking the time to stop and really pay attention. We do have human neighbors and they too have been very welcoming. Fairfield Vt is a typical small Vt town where everyone knows everyone and then some, lol! Everyone knew who we were before we even said our first hello ! Since we live right on Main St, watching us move in with all of Kevin’s old cars and motorcycles probably gave them all something to talk about, haha!! If you watch Schitt’s Creek, it’s pretty much like that. I am enjoying this small town feel; I can walk across my backyard and pick up a fresh pizza on Friday nights (the only night the owner of the cafe makes pizza). And needless to say, it’s a dream come true living 20 minutes away from the kids!

I haven’t started teaching yoga yet, but I do have a couple of opportunities to do so once we can get through this pandemic. By the way, please continue to wear your mask! We are all so close to the finish line with the good news about vaccines, don’t stop now!

I have found an indoor pool so I’m back swimming which has been great. Again very chill, no lifeguards on duty, you just show up and do your own thing. It’s not crowded which is another bonus. It’s in St Albans about 15 minutes away. St Albans is a quaint little city, I’m looking forward to seeing how they decorate for the holidays!

I do miss you all and so appreciate all the years we spent together. Thank you for allowing me to spend time with you. When it’s safe to travel, I hope to see you here in VT or when I pop back to Fairport and come take a class at Yoga 170! Ali has created such a great yoga vibe there, I’m looking forward to visiting and even teaching a pop up class!

Till then, continue practicing, keep yourself safe and always remember, the light in me honors the light in you!

Om Shanti Om Shanti Om Peace

Feel free to reach out, thanks to those of you who have!
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Holiday SALE + class schedule


New week! Studio schedule + online classes.