Committed to you. More free online classes and a new Power Flow.

Hi everyone,

As we all find balance and routine in our lives recently, we remain committed to you — to your practice, to your self care. For personal peace, wellness, movement, and reflection that come with each class.

It’s incredibly uplifting to practice with you and we always look forward to seeing everyone (virtually) at each class. It’s as close to being in a real class as we can get!

Our schedule for this week includes a selection of different styles and instructors. Including a new Power Flow class with Rachael, one of our inspiring Yoga 170 instructors — always a great workout, energizing and invigorating.

A reminder that all classes are free — we simply look forward to bringing yoga to you at home during this time. Click here or on the image below for this week’s schedule.


Please be healthy and be well. Thank you for being a part of our Yoga 170 community!

With gratitude,



Stress relieving tip + online classes this week


Candlelight Flow, Active Flow, Grassroots Hatha, and Gentle classes this week