Hello everyone!

I would like to take a moment and send my heartfelt wishes to you and your families for a wonderful holiday. While I know our holidays are all a bit different this year, I hope that however you are celebrating, you are surrounded with peace, good health, and love.

At the studio this week, we are celebrating the Winter Solstice with a cozy Restorative Yoga class with Heather on Monday night, 12/21 (6:30pm). We are also offering a restorative Yin + Restorative + Meditation class with Beth next Sunday, 12/27 (12pm). Details on this week’s schedule and what’s coming up — all below!

Happy Holidays everyone! From our entire Yoga 170 family to you and yours, sending much love and peace.



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YOGA 170 presents New Year’s Day Hatha and Sound Bath with Heather Acomb and Sonam Targee!

Sonam’s sound baths are a musical and spiritual journey. With instruments from all around the world, the music is evocative of temples, caves, and ancient tree groves. The sounds are deeply relaxing, comforting, and cleansing. Heather’s Hatha classes are both grounding and spirited. They invite students of all levels into an asana practice with a focus on body-mind connectivity and honoring the Self, while playfully enjoying being in the present moment. These are a joyfully dynamic New Year’s duo, for sure!

Friday, January 1 at YOGA 170. 12-1:30pm. Space is limited! Reserve your spot.


Open all week! New Year’s schedule.


New Year’s Day class + Yin Yoga in December