Strengthening tip + more online classes

Hi everyone,

One of the greatest benefits of maintaining a yoga practice at home is how strong people are feeling — physically AND mentally. We are very grateful to continue to bring you a way to feel good and stay connected. Thank you for joining us!

There are many different classes to enjoy this week. Click here or below for the schedule. A reminder that all live online classes are free.


In the spirit of staying strong, today I’m sharing Rachael’s tip on Plank Pose — a great strengthening pose that you can do in class or anytime!

Plank Pose.png

“Looking for a way to strengthen the whole body? Practicing Plank Pose on its own or as part of a sequence will effectively build strength in your wrists, arms and shoulders as well as your chest and abdominals.

Here are a few pointers on how to align your Plank so that you can get the most out of this pose. Begin on all fours, positioning your hands and wrists underneath your shoulders. Gaze down towards the top of your mat to keep your neck long. Extend one leg back at a time into your Plank position. Fingers can spread out wide as your weight evenly distributes between each hand. Push the mat away and feel your shoulder blades roll down your back, widening your collarbone and allowing space for your heart to shine through. Engage your core by bringing the belly button to your spine. Feel strong through both legs and envision this long line of energy from the crown of your head to the heels of your feet. Hold here for 3-5 breaths, each inhale allowing you to maintain this whole body activation and each exhale allowing for a release of any unnecessary tension.

Looking for a little modification? Drop your knees to the mat, taking some pressure off the shoulders and providing the lower body with support. Looking to fire it up? Flip your Plank on its side! Your body now supported through one hand and the outer edge of your bottom foot, feeling more engagement through your obliques. Happy planking!” ~ Rachael

Stay strong, stay well, and hope to “see” you soon!

With gratitude,


PS. If you have kids, check out our Butterfly Kids Yoga “movement breaks”. Short yoga videos with different themes that kids, tweens and athletes can do at home. Click here or on the image below for more info!


Mother’s Day weekend classes


New Foundations class + a pose tip to find comfort