More Yoga 170 free classes + kids yoga options

Hi everyone,

I hope this email finds you well. We are incredibly grateful and humbled to have so many people joining us for online yoga.

I’m hopeful that each class gives you a chance to move, breathe, and find perspective during these challenging times.

Yoga 170 Live classes
We’re committed to keep bringing you these free classes! Options include Grassroots Hatha Yoga, Candelight Flow, Gentle Yoga and Active Flow this week. Click here or on the image below for upcoming classes.


Butterfly Kids Yoga “movement breaks”
And just as WE need yoga, our kids do too. I wanted to share with you our new Butterfly “Movement Breaks” — short yoga videos for your kids at home. Click here or on the image below to learn more.


Sending you postitivity, continued good health, and peace for the week ahead.

With gratitude,



Candlelight Flow, Active Flow, Grassroots Hatha, and Gentle classes this week


"Live" classes this week + moments shared